Introducing a 32-ounce option for Ticks-Off spray.
Ticks-Off has been available in a concentrate (that comes with a FREE spray bottle!) as a means of keeping the shipping affordable. Yet, there are some customers who simply want one spray bottle, so Ticks-Off has honored customers wishes!
Keeping with an innovative approach to saving customers money on shipping – the ready-to-use 32-ounce spray bottle ships with only concentrate in the bottle ~ and the customer adds the water. Why pay to ship water, right?! Ticks-Off proudly strives to keep shipping expenses economical, thus making it convenient to have Ticks-Off delivered directly to customers doorsteps.
Ticks-Off, the first ever tick-deflective product for animals.
This innovative and sensible solution safely protects your pets from ticks by preventing them from latching onto the animal. Ticks-Off formula is unique from other tick products in that it is not designed to kill or chemically repel them with toxins. Instead, Ticks-Off spray literally prevents ticks from attaching onto your pets’ coat, effectively keeping the animal naturally safe and tick free.
Have you checked out our fun 3 minute video?
Mainstream products, such as Frontline or Advantix II, are designed to kill ticks, not deflect them. These products actually allow ticks onto your pets. It can then take several days before the ticks succumb to the poison and die. During that time, the ticks can be biting your pets and free to climb onto other pets, or even your family members. Unfortunately, it only takes about 24 hours for a biting tick to infect your pet with deadly diseases such as Lyme disease or the Powassan virus, which can potentially cause paralysis and even death.
Ticks-Off is so simple to use – just spray onto the areas that ticks are most attracted to (legs, mane, tail, head, belly or overall body), allow to dry and you’re ready to hike or hit the trails. It’s immediately effective at deflecting ticks, one application lasts for up to one week or longer, and does not leave an oily residue. In fact, it will leave your pets’ coat soft, lustrous, deeply conditioned and ‘Too Slick for Ticks’ to stick! Ticks-Off is totally pesticide free, has NO negative side effects, and can safely and effectively be used in conjunction with any and all other pest-prevention products. And it works to deflect bot fly eggs, too!
For more information on Ticks-Off products, please visit, or email us at, or call us at (661) 821-7014. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook.
Disclaimer: Ticks-Off, nor any third party associated with, related to, or linked to their businesses or websites, expressly disclaims any responsibility for, and makes no representations or warranties regarding, any statement, information, materials, or content found on or included in Ticks-Off’s marketing materials/websites, or any third party marketing materials/websites related to, associated with or linked to Ticks-Off’s business or website. Ticks-Off’s website and blogs are not intended to diagnose or treat any health conditions. They are meant solely for informational purposes. Please seek veterinary advice for any health concerns or problematic conditions. These statements have not yet been approved by the FDA.