Just how many diseases can you contract from a tick bite in the United States…??
Per the CDC – at least 16 different kinds!
- Do you know how many of these disease can cause death? – 6 kinds can end a life!
- What kinds of ticks are found in the United States? There are about 90 different kinds of ticks!
- How may spread diseases to humans? 7 different kinds spread disease to humans dogs and cats, and 9 kinds that affect livestock!
- How many states within the United States have ticks? 41 states have ticks! Check out this map…. (Unfortunately this data has not been updated since 2016, and ticks have increased in numbers and regions a great deal in the past 4 years!)
- Recent estimates suggest that approximately 476,000 people may get Lyme disease each year, in the U.S. per the CDC.
Protecting ourselves and our pets has never been more important!
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Per the CDC – here are some tips for protecting your pets:
Dogs are very susceptible to tick bites and tickborne diseases. Vaccines are not available for most of the tickborne diseases that dogs can get, and they don’t keep the dogs from bringing ticks into your home. For these reasons, it’s important to use a tick preventive product on your dog.
Tick bites on dogs may be hard to detect. Signs of tickborne disease may not appear for 7-21 days or longer after a tick bite, so watch your dog closely for changes in behavior or appetite if you suspect that your pet has been bitten by a tick.
Continue reading How Many Tick Borne Diseases are there in the U.S.?