Ticks-Off Directions:
Can safely be used on dogs, horses, and other pets!
Shake Well!! When mixing concentrate – mix EXACTLY as directed.
FOR BEST RESULTS – Ticks-Off is most effective on a recently rinsed/washed animal. Repeat rinsing/washing (and regular conditioning of manes and tails) as needed to keep them sleek and Too Slick for Ticks. Can be used on a wet or dry coat. ** Using Ticks-Off will help to keep your pets coat cleaner longer! **
Effective immediately and may last for nearly a week! Yet can safely be used daily.
For horses do not apply to the saddle or cinch area. (Not recommended for cats, due to essential oil scents.)
- Can be used on a wet or dry coat.
- Apply Ticks-Off on clean coat, mane and tail.
- Spray a heavy mist until hair is damp.
- Pay particular attention to legs, and tail, and any area that may come into contact with weeds or grasses or brush.
- Hand stroke, or use a brush, in direction of hair to blend. ** For best results we recommend HandsOn Gloves **
- Allow to dry before additional brushing and thoroughly brush out all tangles.
- Re-apply more as needed.
- Repeat all steps above each time you are heading out for a hike or trail ride.
- To stop bot fly eggs from attaching to hair, spray a heavy mist onto problem area locations. Follow above directions.
** The cleaner and softer the coat, the better the results. Pets with coarse hair may need heavier and/or more frequent applications.**
Contains lavender, or eucalyptus, which might not be suitable for cats.
Click here for detailed Dog Instructions
Click here for detailed Equine Instructions
Click here for Concentrate Dilution instructions
Click here for Ingredients
Click here for FAQs
Disclaimer: Ticks-Off, nor any third party associated with, related to, or linked to their businesses or websites, expressly disclaims any responsibility for, and makes no representations or warranties regarding, any statement, information, materials, or content found on or included in Ticks-Off’s marketing materials/websites, or any third party marketing materials/websites related to, associated with or linked to Ticks-Off’s business or website. Ticks-Off’s website and blogs are not intended to diagnose or treat any health conditions. They are meant solely for informational purposes. Please seek veterinary advice for any health concerns or problematic conditions. These statements have not yet been approved by the FDA.