Tick-borne diseases are becoming more common and unfortunately there are nearly 900 species of ticks.

Ticks are one of the most harmful external parasites due to their ability to transmit numerous microbial diseases which can cause: lameness, paralysis, encephalitis and even death.

There are three (known) tick-borne diseases that effect equines.

The rise in tick-borne diseases is due to a multitude of reasons including climate change and increased movement of both humans and animals. Ticks occur worldwide with different species prevailing in different regions.

Almost all tick species that infect wildlife and livestock can also infect horses and domestic pets.

It’s generally believed that a tick must be attached for 24 hours before disease can be transmitted, but there are incidences where it appears this may not be accurate.

With such great risks, why take any chances??

The longer a tick is biting into it’s prey the higher the risk is for contracting a disease and/or developing an infection at the site of the bite. Pretty scary when this little bite could result in paralysis and even death!

Tick Slick  Pesticide Free Solution

  • Effective immediately and continues deflecting ticks for up to one week!
  • No fear negative side effects!
  • Oil-Free. Leaves no residue. Quick drying.
  • Can be used on a wet or dry coat.
  • Safe to use in combination with any and all other pest prevention products.
  • Use to easily remove stickers and tangles.
  • Deflects Bot Fly eggs from attaching to horses and livestock.
  • Deters dirt and creates a coat that will look and feel better than ever!
  • Grooming time may be cut by up to 80%.
  • Use to prevents static electricity in horses tails and winter blankets!
  • Tick Slick natural lavender scent is pleasant and calming, and it deflects ticks!



Disclaimer: TickSlick, nor any third party associated with, related to, or linked to their businesses or websites, expressly disclaims any responsibility for, and makes no representations or warranties regarding, any statement, information, materials, or content found on or included in TickSlick’s marketing materials/websites, or any third party marketing materials/websites related to, associated with or linked to TickSlick’s business or website. TickSlick’s website and blogs are not intended to diagnose or treat any health conditions.  They are meant solely for informational purposes.  Please seek veterinary advice for any health concerns or problematic conditions. These statements have not yet been approved by the FDA.