Did you know that RoundUp is adding to the extreme rise in ticks?No one wants weeds – but Round Up is NOT the answer! But I’ll bet it will surprise you to learn that the blanketed use of Round Up is actually adding to the widespread epidemic of tick-borne diseases. Sierra Club research and findings: The common Western Fence Lizard eats ticks by the millions! Wherever the lizards abound, the population of disease-carrying ticks are low. Fewer lizards result in more disease carrying ticks. Not only do these lizards eat ticks – but when ticks bite the lizards – the blood from the lizard actually eliminates the Lyme disease in the tick. The tick lives but its blood is cleansed of the Borrelia bacteria and it no longer poses a Lyme disease risk. In areas with Western Fence Lizards, about 5% of ticks carry the disease, while in other areas 50% of ticks harbor the disease. The recent rise in tick-borne diseases spreading across the U.S. is alarming. Global warming is a suspected accelerator, but one needs to also seriously consider that the over-use of pesticides such as Round Up is exponentially fueling the fire. Then there are the bees and the butterflies…Continue reading RoundUp Adding to the Rise of Tick-Borne Diseases |