Fall is my favorite time of year! The nights are getting colder,
the trees are changing color, and the holidays are just around the corner. And unfortunately the ticks are out having one last hay-day for the year!
So for a Fall Special – we are offering Free Shipping on all orders in the month of November, 2018. Use Promo Code: FreeFall
With ticks still on the prowl you’ll need to keep your guard up for a bit longer yet in order to protect your pets from ticks, and their deadly diseases, this Autumn season. Sadly, safely protecting yourself and your pets has become a year round concern, largely due to global warming. Check out what Dr. Joyce Harman wrote in her recent blog…
“While the nymph-stage ticks are most common during the spring and summer months, adult deer ticks can generally be active whenever the temperature is above freezing,” said internationally known integrative veterinarian and owner of Harmany Equine, Dr. Joyce Harman. “If ticks are active, Lyme carriers are still capable of infecting us and our animals.
Prevention is key where Lyme is concerned, especially if you live on the east coast.” Says Dr. Harman.
Enjoy Dr. Harman’s entire article by clicking here…
Now check this out ~ there is now a new Youtube video series called: Tickology
Larry Dapsis, Entomologist and Tick Project Coordinator, developed the 10 videos, which range in length from 6 to 14 minutes. Dapsis also narrates the series.
“In each episode, you will learn something new about ticks, tick-borne illnesses, and prevention,” Dapsis says. “This is the only comprehensive education package available anywhere.” Click here to see the entire series of 10 videos.
We are reaching pandemic concerns in regards to the increase in tick populations, the growing areas effected by ticks, new diseases being found, and the significant rise in all tick borne diseases. Now, more than ever before, it is imperative to be informed and proactive for your health and your pets.
Ticks-Off is THE best way to help keep your dogs and horses safe from ticks and their ensuing bites.
And for the month of November you can get FREE SHIPPING! Hooray! Order now. Use Promo Code: FreeFall
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